TITLE I - DEFINITIONS AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION (Article 1-4)CHAPTER I - Definitions (Article 1)Article 1CHAPTER II - Scope of application (Article 2-4)Article 2Article 3Article 4
TITLE II - GENERAL PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE OFFICIAL LISTING OF SECURITIES (Article 5-19)CHAPTER I - General conditions for admission (Article 5-7)Article 5Article 6Article 7CHAPTER II - More stringent or additional conditions and obligations (Article 8)Article 8CHAPTER III - Derogations (Article 9-10)Article 9Article 10CHAPTER IV - Powers of the national competent authorities (Article 11-19)Section 1 - Decision of admission (Article 11-15)Article 11Article 12Article 13Article 14Article 15Section 2 - Information requested by the competent authorities (Article 16)Article 16Section 3 - Action against an issuer failing to comply with the obligations resulting from admission (Article 17)Article 17Section 4 - Suspension and discontinuance (Article 18)Article 18Section 5 - Right to apply to the courts in case of refusal of admission or discontinuance (Article 19)Article 19
CHAPTER IV - Powers of the national competent authorities (Article 11-19)Section 1 - Decision of admission (Article 11-15)Article 11Article 12Article 13Article 14Article 15Section 2 - Information requested by the competent authorities (Article 16)Article 16Section 3 - Action against an issuer failing to comply with the obligations resulting from admission (Article 17)Article 17Section 4 - Suspension and discontinuance (Article 18)Article 18Section 5 - Right to apply to the courts in case of refusal of admission or discontinuance (Article 19)Article 19
Section 3 - Action against an issuer failing to comply with the obligations resulting from admission (Article 17)Article 17
Section 5 - Right to apply to the courts in case of refusal of admission or discontinuance (Article 19)Article 19
TITLE III - PARTICULAR CONDITIONS RELATING TO OFFICIAL LISTINGS OF SECURITIES (Article 20-63)CHAPTER I - Publication of listing particulars for admission (Article 20-41)Section 1 - General provisions (Article 20-22)Article 20Article 21Article 22Section 2 - Partial or complete exemption from the obligation to publish listing particulars (Article 23)Article 23Section 3 - Permitted omission from listing particulars of certain information (Article 24)Article 24Section 4 - Contents of listing of particulars in specific cases (Article 25-34)Article 25Article 26Article 27Article 28Article 29Article 30Article 31Article 32Article 33Article 34Section 5 - Control and circulation of listing particulars (Article 35-36)Article 35Article 36Section 6 - Determination of the competent authority (Article 37)Article 37Section 7 - Mutual recognition (Article 38-40)Article 38Article 39Article 40Section 8 - Agreements with non-member countries (Article 41)Article 41CHAPTER II - Specific conditions for the admission of shares (Article 42-51)Section 1 - Conditions relating to companies for the shares of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 42-44)Article 42Article 43Article 44Section 2 - Conditions relating to the shares for which admission is sought (Article 45-51)Article 45Article 46Article 47Article 48Article 49Article 50Article 51CHAPTER III - Particular conditions relating to the admission to official listing of debt securities issued by an undertaking (Article 52-59)Section 1 - Conditions relating to undertakings for the debt securities of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 52)Article 52Section 2 - Conditions relating to the debt securities for which admission to official listing is sought (Article 53-57)Article 53Article 54Article 55Article 56Article 57Section 3 - Other conditions (Article 58-59)Article 58Article 59CHAPTER IV - Particular conditions relating to the admission to official listing of Debt securities issued by a State, its regional or local authorities or a public international body (Article 60-63)Article 60Article 61Article 62Article 63
CHAPTER I - Publication of listing particulars for admission (Article 20-41)Section 1 - General provisions (Article 20-22)Article 20Article 21Article 22Section 2 - Partial or complete exemption from the obligation to publish listing particulars (Article 23)Article 23Section 3 - Permitted omission from listing particulars of certain information (Article 24)Article 24Section 4 - Contents of listing of particulars in specific cases (Article 25-34)Article 25Article 26Article 27Article 28Article 29Article 30Article 31Article 32Article 33Article 34Section 5 - Control and circulation of listing particulars (Article 35-36)Article 35Article 36Section 6 - Determination of the competent authority (Article 37)Article 37Section 7 - Mutual recognition (Article 38-40)Article 38Article 39Article 40Section 8 - Agreements with non-member countries (Article 41)Article 41
Section 2 - Partial or complete exemption from the obligation to publish listing particulars (Article 23)Article 23
Section 3 - Permitted omission from listing particulars of certain information (Article 24)Article 24
Section 4 - Contents of listing of particulars in specific cases (Article 25-34)Article 25Article 26Article 27Article 28Article 29Article 30Article 31Article 32Article 33Article 34
CHAPTER II - Specific conditions for the admission of shares (Article 42-51)Section 1 - Conditions relating to companies for the shares of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 42-44)Article 42Article 43Article 44Section 2 - Conditions relating to the shares for which admission is sought (Article 45-51)Article 45Article 46Article 47Article 48Article 49Article 50Article 51
Section 1 - Conditions relating to companies for the shares of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 42-44)Article 42Article 43Article 44
Section 2 - Conditions relating to the shares for which admission is sought (Article 45-51)Article 45Article 46Article 47Article 48Article 49Article 50Article 51
CHAPTER III - Particular conditions relating to the admission to official listing of debt securities issued by an undertaking (Article 52-59)Section 1 - Conditions relating to undertakings for the debt securities of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 52)Article 52Section 2 - Conditions relating to the debt securities for which admission to official listing is sought (Article 53-57)Article 53Article 54Article 55Article 56Article 57Section 3 - Other conditions (Article 58-59)Article 58Article 59
Section 1 - Conditions relating to undertakings for the debt securities of which admission to official listing is sought (Article 52)Article 52
Section 2 - Conditions relating to the debt securities for which admission to official listing is sought (Article 53-57)Article 53Article 54Article 55Article 56Article 57
CHAPTER IV - Particular conditions relating to the admission to official listing of Debt securities issued by a State, its regional or local authorities or a public international body (Article 60-63)Article 60Article 61Article 62Article 63
TITLE IV - OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO SECURITIES ADMITTED TO OFFICIAL LISTING (Article 64-97)CHAPTER I - Obligations of companies whose shares are admitted to official listing (Article 64-77)Section 1 - Listing of newly issued shares of the same class (Article 64)Article 64Section 2 - Treatment of shareholders (Article 65)Article 65Section 3 - Amendment of the instrument of incorporation or the statutes (Article 66)Article 66Section 4 - Annual accounts and annual report (Article 67)Article 67Section 5 - Additional information (Article 68)Article 68Section 6 - Equivalence of information (Article 69)Article 69Section 7 - Periodical information to be published (Article 70-71)Article 70Article 71Section 8 - Publication and contents of the half-yearly report (Article 72-77)Article 72Article 73Article 74Article 75Article 76Article 77CHAPTER II - Obligation of issuers whose debt securities are admitted to official listing (Article 78-84)Section 1 - Debt securities issued by an undertaking (Article 78-82)Article 78Article 79Article 80Article 81Article 82Section 2 - Debt securities issued by a State or its regional or local authorities or by a public international body (Article 83-84)Article 83Article 84CHAPTER III - Obligations relating to the information to be published when a major holding in a listed company is acquired or disposed of (Article 85-97)Section 1 - General provisions (Article 85-88)Article 85Article 86Article 87Article 88Section 2 - Information when a major holding is acquired or disposed of (Article 89-91)Article 89Article 90Article 91Section 3 - Determination of the voting rights (Article 92)Article 92Section 4 - Exemptions (Article 93-95)Article 93Article 94Article 95Section 5 - Competent authorities (Article 96)Article 96Section 6 - Sanctions (Article 97)Article 97
CHAPTER I - Obligations of companies whose shares are admitted to official listing (Article 64-77)Section 1 - Listing of newly issued shares of the same class (Article 64)Article 64Section 2 - Treatment of shareholders (Article 65)Article 65Section 3 - Amendment of the instrument of incorporation or the statutes (Article 66)Article 66Section 4 - Annual accounts and annual report (Article 67)Article 67Section 5 - Additional information (Article 68)Article 68Section 6 - Equivalence of information (Article 69)Article 69Section 7 - Periodical information to be published (Article 70-71)Article 70Article 71Section 8 - Publication and contents of the half-yearly report (Article 72-77)Article 72Article 73Article 74Article 75Article 76Article 77
Section 8 - Publication and contents of the half-yearly report (Article 72-77)Article 72Article 73Article 74Article 75Article 76Article 77
CHAPTER II - Obligation of issuers whose debt securities are admitted to official listing (Article 78-84)Section 1 - Debt securities issued by an undertaking (Article 78-82)Article 78Article 79Article 80Article 81Article 82Section 2 - Debt securities issued by a State or its regional or local authorities or by a public international body (Article 83-84)Article 83Article 84
Section 1 - Debt securities issued by an undertaking (Article 78-82)Article 78Article 79Article 80Article 81Article 82
Section 2 - Debt securities issued by a State or its regional or local authorities or by a public international body (Article 83-84)Article 83Article 84
CHAPTER III - Obligations relating to the information to be published when a major holding in a listed company is acquired or disposed of (Article 85-97)Section 1 - General provisions (Article 85-88)Article 85Article 86Article 87Article 88Section 2 - Information when a major holding is acquired or disposed of (Article 89-91)Article 89Article 90Article 91Section 3 - Determination of the voting rights (Article 92)Article 92Section 4 - Exemptions (Article 93-95)Article 93Article 94Article 95Section 5 - Competent authorities (Article 96)Article 96Section 6 - Sanctions (Article 97)Article 97
Section 2 - Information when a major holding is acquired or disposed of (Article 89-91)Article 89Article 90Article 91
TITLE V - PUBLICATION AND COMMUNICATION OF THE INFORMATION (Article 98-104)CHAPTER I - Publication and communication of listing particulars for the admission of securities to the official stock exchange listing (Article 98-101)Section 1 - Procedures and period of publication of listing particulars and their supplements (Article 98-100)Article 98Article 99Article 100Section 2 - Prior communication to the competent authorities of the means of publication (Article 101)Article 101CHAPTER II - Publication and communication of information after listing (Article 102)Article 102CHAPTER III - Languages (Article 103-104)Article 103Article 104
CHAPTER I - Publication and communication of listing particulars for the admission of securities to the official stock exchange listing (Article 98-101)Section 1 - Procedures and period of publication of listing particulars and their supplements (Article 98-100)Article 98Article 99Article 100Section 2 - Prior communication to the competent authorities of the means of publication (Article 101)Article 101
Section 1 - Procedures and period of publication of listing particulars and their supplements (Article 98-100)Article 98Article 99Article 100
Section 2 - Prior communication to the competent authorities of the means of publication (Article 101)Article 101
TITLE VII - CONTACT COMMITTEE (Article 108-109)CHAPTER I - Composition, working and tasks of the Committee (Article 108)Article 108CHAPTER II - Adaptation of the amount of equity market capitalisation (Article 109)Article 109