CHAPTER I - SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (Article 1-3)Article 1 - Subject matterArticle 2 - Scope Q&AArticle 3 - Definitions
CHAPTER II - INFORMATION AND PRACTICES PRELIMINARY TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE CREDIT AGREEMENT (Article 4-8)Article 4 - Standard information to be included in advertisingArticle 5 - Pre-contractual informationArticle 6 - Pre-contractual information requirements for certain credit agreements in the form of an overdraft facility and for certain specific credit agreementsArticle 7 - Exemptions from the pre-contractual information requirementsArticle 8 - Obligation to assess the creditworthiness of the consumer GL
CHAPTER IV - INFORMATION AND RIGHTS CONCERNING CREDIT AGREEMENTS (Article 10-18)Article 10 - Information to be included in credit agreementsArticle 11 - Information concerning the borrowing rateArticle 11a - Information regarding the modification of the terms and conditions of a credit agreementArticle 12 - Obligations in connection with credit agreement in the form of an overdraft facilityArticle 13 - Open-end credit agreementsArticle 14 - Right of withdrawalArticle 15 - Linked credit agreementsArticle 16 - Early repaymentArticle 16a - Arrears and enforcementArticle 17 - Assignment of rightsArticle 18 - Overrunning
CHAPTER V - ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF CHARGE (Article 19)Article 19 - Calculation of the annual percentage rate of charge
CHAPTER VI - CREDITORS AND CREDIT INTERMEDIARIES (Article 20-21)Article 20 - Regulation of creditorsArticle 21 - Certain obligations of credit intermediaries vis-à-vis consumers
CHAPTER VII - IMPLEMENTING MEASURES (Article 22-28)Article 22 - Harmonisation and imperative nature of this DirectiveArticle 23 - PenaltiesArticle 24 - Out-of-court dispute resolutionArticle 24a - Exercise of the delegationArticle 25 - Committee procedure [repealed]Article 26 - Information to be supplied to the CommissionArticle 27 - TranspositionArticle 28 - Conversion of amounts expressed in euro into national currency
CHAPTER VIII - TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 29-32)Article 29 - RepealArticle 30 - Transitional measuresArticle 31 - Entry into forceArticle 32 - Addressees