Updated 16/01/2025
In force since 28/06/2013

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Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)

Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 11 - General treatment Q&AArticle 12 - Financial holding company or mixed financial holding company with both a subsidiary credit institution and a subsidiary investment firm Article 13 - Application of disclosure requirements on a consolidated basis Q&AArticle 14 - Application of requirements of Part Five on a consolidated basis Q&AArticle 15 - Derogation to the application of own funds requirements on a consolidated basis for groups of investment firms Article 16 - Derogation to the application of the leverage ratio requirements on a consolidated basis for groups of investment firms Article 17 - Supervision of investment firms waived from the application of own funds requirements on a consolidated basis
Article 26 - Common Equity Tier 1 items RTSQ&AArticle 27 - Capital instruments of mutuals, cooperative societies, savings institutions or similar institutions in Common Equity Tier 1 items RTSArticle 28 - Common Equity Tier 1 instruments RTSQ&AArticle 29 - Capital instruments issued by mutuals, cooperative societies, savings institutions and similar institutions RTSQ&AArticle 30 - Consequences of the conditions for Common Equity Tier 1 instruments ceasing to be met Q&AArticle 31 - Capital instruments subscribed by public authorities in emergency situations
Article 36 - Deductions from Common Equity Tier 1 items RTSQ&AGLArticle 37 - Deduction of intangible assets Q&AArticle 38 - Deduction of deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability Q&AArticle 39 - Tax overpayments, tax loss carry backs and deferred tax assets that do not rely on future profitability Q&AArticle 40 - Deduction of negative amounts resulting from the calculation of expected loss amountsArticle 41 - Deduction of defined benefit pension fund assets RTSQ&AArticle 42 - Deduction of holdings of own Common Equity Tier 1 instruments Q&AArticle 43 - Significant investment in a financial sector entityArticle 44 - Deduction of holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments of financial sector entities and where an institution has a reciprocal cross holding designed artificially to inflate own fundsArticle 45 - Deduction of holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments of financial sector entities Q&AArticle 46 - Deduction of holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments where an institution does not have a significant investment in a financial sector entity Q&AArticle 47 - Deduction of holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments where an institution has a significant investment in a financial sector entity Q&A
Article 56 - Deductions from Additional Tier 1 items RTSQ&AArticle 57 - Deductions of holdings of own Additional Tier 1 instruments Q&AArticle 58 - Deduction of holdings of Additional Tier 1 instruments of financial sector entities and where an institution has a reciprocal cross holding designed artificially to inflate own fundsArticle 59 - Deduction of holdings of Additional Tier 1 instruments of financial sector entities Q&AArticle 60 - Deduction of holdings of Additional Tier 1 instruments where an institution does not have a significant investment in a financial sector entity
Article 66 - Deductions from Tier 2 items RTSQ&AArticle 67 - Deductions of holdings of own Tier 2 instrumentsArticle 68 - Deduction of holdings of Tier 2 instruments of financial sector entities and where an institution has a reciprocal cross holding designed artificially to inflate own fundsArticle 69 - Deduction of holdings of Tier 2 instruments of financial sector entities Q&AArticle 70 - Deduction of Tier 2 instruments where an institution does not have a significant investment in a relevant entity Q&A
Article 73 - Distributions on own funds instruments RTSArticle 74 - Holdings of capital instruments issued by regulated financial sector entities that do not qualify as regulatory capital Q&AArticle 75 - Deduction and maturity requirements for short positionsArticle 76 - Index holdings of capital instruments RTSArticle 77 - Conditions for reducing own funds RTSQ&AArticle 78 - Supervisory permission for reducing own funds RTSQ&AArticle 79 - Temporary waiver from deduction from own funds RTSQ&AArticle 80 - Continuing review of quality of own funds
Article 81 - Minority interests that qualify for inclusion in consolidated Common Equity Tier 1 capital RTSQ&AArticle 82 - Qualifying Additional Tier 1, Tier 1, Tier 2 capital and qualifying own funds Q&AArticle 83 - Qualifying Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital issued by a special purpose entity RTSArticle 84 - Minority interests included in consolidated Common Equity Tier 1 capital RTSQ&AArticle 85 - Qualifying Tier 1 instruments included in consolidated Tier 1 capital RTSQ&AArticle 86 - Qualifying Tier 1 capital included in consolidated Additional Tier 1 capitalArticle 87 - Qualifying own funds included in consolidated own funds RTSQ&AArticle 88 - Qualifying own funds instruments included in consolidated Tier 2 capital
Article 95 - Own funds requirements for investment firms with limited authorisation to provide investment services ITSQ&AArticle 96 - Own funds requirements for investment firms which hold initial capital as laid down in Article 28(2) of Directive 2013/36/EU ITSArticle 97 - Own Funds based on Fixed Overheads RTSArticle 98 - Own funds for investment firms on a consolidated basis Q&A
Article 114 - Exposures to central governments or central banks IAQ&AArticle 115 - Exposures to regional governments or local authorities RTSIAQ&AGLArticle 116 - Exposures to public sector entities RTSIAQ&AArticle 117 - Exposures to multilateral development banks Q&AArticle 118 - Exposures to international organisations Q&AArticle 119 - Exposures to institutions Q&AArticle 120 - Exposures to rated institutions Q&AArticle 121 - Exposures to unrated institutions Q&AArticle 122 - Exposures to corporates Q&AArticle 123 - Retail exposures Q&AGLArticle 124 - Exposures secured by mortgages on immovable property RTSQ&AGLArticle 125 - Exposures fully and completely secured by mortgages on residential property RTSQ&AGLArticle 126 - Exposures fully and completely secured by mortgages on commercial immovable property RTSQ&AGLArticle 127 - Exposures in default RTSQ&AGLArticle 128 - Items associated with particular high risk Q&AGLArticle 129 - Exposures in the form of covered bonds Q&AGLArticle 130 - Items representing securitisation positionsArticle 131 - Exposures to institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment ITSQ&AArticle 132 - Exposures in the form of units or shares in CIUs Q&AArticle 133 - Equity exposures Q&AArticle 134 - Other items Q&A
Article 142 - Definitions IAQ&AArticle 143 - Permission to use the IRB Approach ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 144 - Competent authorities' assessment of an application to use an IRB Approach RTSQ&AArticle 145 - Prior experience of using IRB approaches RTSArticle 146 - Measures to be taken where the requirements of this Chapter cease to be met RTSArticle 147 - Methodology to assign exposure to exposures classes RTSQ&AArticle 148 - Conditions for implementing the IRB Approach across different classes of exposure and business units RTSQ&AArticle 149 - Conditions to revert to the use of less sophisticated approaches Article 150 - Conditions for permanent partial use RTSQ&A
Article 178 - Default of an obligor RTSQ&AGLArticle 179 - Overall requirements for estimation RTSQ&AGLArticle 180 - Requirements specific to PD estimation RTSQ&AGLArticle 181 - Requirements specific to own-LGD estimates RTSQ&AGLArticle 182 - Requirements specific to own-conversion factor estimates RTSQ&AGLArticle 183 - Requirements for assessing the effect of guarantees and credit derivatives for exposures to corporates, institutions and central governments and central banks where own estimates of LGD are used and retail exposures RTSGLArticle 184 - Requirements for purchased receivables GL
Article 195 - On-balance sheet netting Q&AArticle 196 - Master netting agreements covering repurchase transactions or securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions or other capital market-driven transactionsArticle 197 - Eligibility of collateral under all approaches and methods ITSQ&AArticle 198 - Additional eligibility of collateral under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method ITSQ&AArticle 199 - Additional eligibility for collateral under the IRB Approach Q&AArticle 200 - Other funded credit protection
Article 205 - Requirements for on-balance sheet netting agreements other than master netting agreements referred to in Article 206Article 206 - Requirements for master netting agreements covering repurchase transactions or securities or commodities lending or borrowing transactions or other capital market driven transactionsArticle 207 - Requirements for financial collateral Q&AArticle 208 - Requirements for immovable property collateral Q&AArticle 209 - Requirements for receivablesArticle 210 - Requirements for other physical collateralArticle 211 - Requirements for treating lease exposures as collateralisedArticle 212 - Requirements for other funded credit protection Q&A
Article 218 - Credit linked notesArticle 219 - On-balance sheet netting Q&AArticle 220 - Using the Supervisory Volatility Adjustments Approach or the Own Estimates Volatility Adjustments Approach for master netting agreements Q&AArticle 221 - Using the Internal Models Approach for Master netting agreementsArticle 222 - Financial Collateral Simple Method Q&AArticle 223 - Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method Q&AArticle 224 - Supervisory volatility adjustment under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method ITSQ&AArticle 225 - Own estimates of volatility adjustments under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method Q&AArticle 226 - Scaling up of volatility adjustment under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive methodArticle 227 - Conditions for applying a 0 % volatility adjustment under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive method Q&AArticle 228 - Calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts under the Financial Collateral Comprehensive methodArticle 229 - Valuation principles for other eligible collateral under the IRB Approach Q&AArticle 230 - Calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts for other eligible collateral under the IRB Approach Q&AArticle 231 - Calculating risk-weighted exposure amounts and expected loss amounts in the case of mixed pools of collateralArticle 232 - Other funded credit protection
Article 251 - Risk-weights ITSQ&AArticle 252 - Originator and sponsor institutions Q&AArticle 253 - Treatment of unrated positions Q&AArticle 254 - Treatment of securitisation positions in a second loss tranche or better in an ABCP programme Q&AArticle 255 - Treatment of unrated liquidity facilities RTSQ&AArticle 256 - Additional own funds requirements for securitisations of revolving exposures with early amortisation provisions Q&AArticle 257 - Credit risk mitigation for securitisation positions subject to the Standardised Approach GLArticle 258 - Reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts
Article 259 - Hierarchy of methods Q&AArticle 260 - Maximum risk-weighted exposure amounts Q&AArticle 261 - Ratings Based Method ITSQ&AArticle 262 - Supervisory Formula Method Q&AArticle 263 - Liquidity Facilities ITSArticle 264 - Credit risk mitigation for securitisation positions subject to the IRB Approach ITSQ&AArticle 265 - Additional own funds requirements for securitisations of revolving exposures with early amortisation provisions Q&AArticle 266 - Reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts RTSQ&A
Article 283 - Permission to use the Internal Model Method ITSArticle 284 - Exposure value Article 285 - Exposure value for netting sets subject to a margin agreement Q&AArticle 286 - Management of CCR – Policies, processes and systemsArticle 287 - Organisation structures for CCR management Article 288 - Review of CCR management system Article 289 - Use test Article 290 - Stress testing GLArticle 291 - Wrong-Way Risk Q&AArticle 292 - Integrity of the modelling process Article 293 - Requirements for the risk management system Article 294 - Validation requirements
Article 300 - Definitions Article 301 - Material scopeArticle 302 - Monitoring of exposures to CCPsArticle 303 - Treatment of clearing members' exposures to CCPsArticle 304 - Treatment of clearing members' exposures to clients RTSQ&AArticle 305 - Treatment of clients' exposures Q&AArticle 306 - Own funds requirements for trade exposures Q&AArticle 307 - Own funds requirements for pre-funded contributions to the default fund of a CCPArticle 308 - Own funds requirements for pre-funded contributions to the default fund of a QCCPArticle 309 - Own funds requirements for pre-funded contributions to the default fund of a non-qualifying CCP and for unfunded contributions to a non-qualifying CCP Q&AArticle 310 - Alternative calculation of own funds requirement for exposures to a QCCP Q&AArticle 311 - Own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs that cease to meet certain conditions Q&AGL
Article 334 - Net positions in debt instruments
Article 387 - Subject matter Article 388 - Negative Scope Article 389 - Definition Q&AArticle 390 - Calculation of the exposure value RTSQ&AArticle 391 - Definition of an institution for large exposures purposes IAQ&AArticle 392 - Definition of a large exposure Q&AArticle 393 - Capacity to identify and manage large exposuresArticle 394 - Reporting requirements ITSRTSQ&AArticle 395 - Limits to large exposures Q&AGLArticle 396 - Compliance with large exposures requirements GLArticle 397 - Calculating additional own funds requirements for large exposures in the trading book Q&AArticle 398 - Procedures to prevent institutions from avoiding the additional own funds requirementArticle 399 - Eligible credit mitigation techniques Q&AArticle 400 - Exemptions ITSQ&AGLArticle 401 - Calculating the effect of the use of credit risk mitigation techniques Q&AArticle 402 - Exposures arising from mortgage lending Q&AArticle 403 - Substitution approach Q&AGL
Article 415 - Reporting obligation and reporting format ITSQ&AGLArticle 416 - Reporting on liquid assets ITSQ&AArticle 417 - Operational requirements for holdings of liquid assets Q&AArticle 418 - Valuation of liquid assets Q&AArticle 419 - Currencies with constraints on the availability of liquid assets ITSRTSArticle 420 - Liquidity outflows Q&AGLArticle 421 - Outflows on retail deposits Q&AGLArticle 422 - Outflows on other liabilities RTSQ&AGLArticle 423 - Additional Outflows RTSQ&AArticle 424 - Outflows from credit and liquidity facilities Q&AArticle 425 - Inflows RTSQ&AGLArticle 426 - Updating Future liquidity requirements
Article 435 - Risk management objectives and policies ITSQ&AGLArticle 436 - Scope of application ITSGLArticle 437 - Own funds ITSQ&AGLArticle 438 - Capital requirements ITSQ&AGLArticle 439 - Exposure to counterparty credit risk ITSGLArticle 440 - Capital buffers ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 441 - Indicators of global systemic importance ITSGLArticle 442 - Credit risk adjustments ITSQ&AGLArticle 443 - Unencumbered assets ITSRTSQ&AGLArticle 444 - Use of ECAIs ITSQ&AGLArticle 445 - Exposure to market risk ITSGLArticle 446 - Operational risk ITSArticle 447 - Exposures in equities not included in the trading book ITSQ&AArticle 448 - Exposure to interest rate risk on positions not included in the trading book ITSArticle 449 - Exposure to securitisation positions ITSArticle 450 - Remuneration policy ITSQ&AGLArticle 451 - Leverage ITSQ&AGL
Article 456 - Delegated acts Q&AGLArticle 457 - Technical adjustments and correctionsArticle 458 - Macroprudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State Q&AArticle 459 - Prudential requirementsArticle 460 - Liquidity DAQ&AArticle 461 - Review of the phasing-in of the liquidity coverage requirementArticle 462 - Exercise of the delegationArticle 463 - Objections to regulatory technical standardsArticle 464 - European Banking Committee Q&A
Article 484 - Eligibility for grandfathering of items that qualified as own funds under national transposition measures for Directive 2006/48/EC Q&AArticle 485 - Eligibility for inclusion in the Common Equity Tier 1 of share premium accounts related to items that qualified as own funds under national transposition measures for Directive 2006/48/EC Q&AArticle 486 - Limits for grandfathering of items within Common Equity Tier 1, Additional Tier 1 and Tier 2 items RTSQ&AArticle 487 - Items excluded from grandfathering in Common Equity Tier 1 or Additional Tier 1 items in other elements of own funds RTSQ&AArticle 488 - Amortisation of items grandfathered as Tier 2 items
Article 493 - Transitional provisions for large exposures Q&AArticle 494 - Transitional provisions for eligible capitalArticle 495 - Treatment of equity exposures under the IRB Approach RTSQ&AArticle 496 - Own funds requirements for covered bondsArticle 497 - Own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs IAArticle 498 - Exemption for Commodities dealersArticle 499 - Leverage ITSQ&AArticle 500 - Transitional provisions – Basel I floor Q&AArticle 501 - Capital requirements deduction for credit risk on exposures to SMEs Q&AGL
Article 502 - Cyclicality of capital requirementsArticle 503 - Own funds requirements for exposures in the form of covered bondsArticle 504 - Capital instruments subscribed by public authorities in emergency situationsArticle 505 - Review of long-term financingArticle 506 - Credit risk – definition of default Article 507 - Large exposures Article 508 - Level of application Article 509 - Liquidity requirements Q&AArticle 510 - Net Stable Funding RequirementsArticle 511 - Leverage Q&AArticle 512 - Exposures to transferred credit risk Article 513 - Macroprudential rules Article 514 - Counterparty Credit Risk and the Original Exposure MethodArticle 515 - Monitoring and evaluationArticle 516 - Long-term financingArticle 517 - Definition of eligible capital Q&AArticle 518 - Review of capital instruments which may be written down or converted at the point of non-viabilityArticle 519 - Deduction of defined benefit pension fund assets from Common Equity Tier 1 items