CHAPTER II - INTERCHANGE FEES (Article 3-5)Article 3 - Interchange fees for consumer debit card transactionsArticle 4 - Interchange fees for consumer credit card transactionsArticle 5 - Prohibition of circumvention
CHAPTER III - BUSINESS RULES (Article 6-12)Article 6 - LicensingArticle 7 - Separation of payment card scheme and processing entities RTSArticle 8 - Co-badging and choice of payment brand or payment applicationArticle 9 - UnblendingArticle 10 - Honour All Cards ruleArticle 11 - Steering rulesArticle 12 - Information to the payee on individual card-based payment transactions
CHAPTER IV - FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 13-18)Article 13 - Competent authoritiesArticle 14 - PenaltiesArticle 15 - Settlement, out of court complaints and redress proceduresArticle 16 - Universal cardsArticle 17 - Review clauseArticle 18 - Entry into force