Updated 16/01/2025
In force since 22/02/2016

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Insurance Distribution Directive

Directive (EU) 2016/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 January 2016 on insurance distribution (recast) (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 4 - Exercise of the freedom to provide services Q&AArticle 5 - Breach of obligations when exercising the freedom to provide services Q&AArticle 6 - Exercise of the freedom of establishment Q&AArticle 7 - Division of competence between home and host Member StatesArticle 8 - Breach of obligations when exercising the freedom of establishmentArticle 9 - Powers in relation to national provisions adopted in the interest of the general good
Article 17 - General principle Q&AArticle 18 - General information provided by the insurance intermediary or insurance undertakingArticle 19 - Conflicts of interest and transparencyArticle 20 - Advice, and standards for sales where no advice is given IAQ&AArticle 21 - Information provided by ancillary insurance intermediaries Q&AArticle 22 - Information exemptions and flexibility clause Q&AArticle 23 - Information conditions Q&AArticle 24 - Cross-selling Q&AArticle 25 - Product oversight and governance requirements DAQ&AGL
ANNEX IANNEX IIANNEX III - Correlation table