CHAPTER I - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Article 1-4)Article 1 - Subject matterArticle 2 - Definitions Q&AArticle 3 - Applicable rulesArticle 4 - PEPP contract
CHAPTER II - REGISTRATION (Article 5-13)Article 5 - RegistrationArticle 6 - Application for registration of a PEPP ITSQ&AArticle 7 - Registration of a PEPPArticle 8 - Conditions for deregistration of a PEPPArticle 9 - DesignationArticle 10 - Distribution of PEPPsArticle 11 - Prudential regime applicable to different types of providersArticle 12 - Publication of national provisionsArticle 13 - Central public register Q&A
CHAPTER III - CROSS-BORDER PROVISION AND PORTABILITY OF PEPP (Article 14-21)SECTION I - Freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment (Article 14-16)Article 14 - Exercise of the freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment by PEPP providers and PEPP distributorsArticle 15 - Exercise of the freedom to provide services by IORPs and EU AIFMArticle 16 - Powers of the competent authorities of the host Member StateSECTION II - Portability (Article 17-21)Article 17 - The portability serviceArticle 18 - Provision of the portability serviceArticle 19 - Sub-accounts of the PEPPArticle 20 - Opening of a new sub-accountArticle 21 - Provision of information on portability to the competent authorities
SECTION I - Freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment (Article 14-16)Article 14 - Exercise of the freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment by PEPP providers and PEPP distributorsArticle 15 - Exercise of the freedom to provide services by IORPs and EU AIFMArticle 16 - Powers of the competent authorities of the host Member State
SECTION II - Portability (Article 17-21)Article 17 - The portability serviceArticle 18 - Provision of the portability serviceArticle 19 - Sub-accounts of the PEPPArticle 20 - Opening of a new sub-accountArticle 21 - Provision of information on portability to the competent authorities
CHAPTER IV - DISTRIBUTION AND INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (Article 22-40)SECTION I - General provisions (Article 22-25)Article 22 - General principleArticle 23 - Distribution regime applicable to different types of PEPP providers and PEPP distributorsArticle 24 - Electronic distribution and other durable mediumsArticle 25 - Product oversight and governance requirementsSECTION II - Pre-contractual information (Article 26-33)Article 26 - PEPP KID Article 27 - Language of the PEPP KIDArticle 28 - Content of the PEPP KID RTSQ&AArticle 29 - Marketing materialsArticle 30 - Revision of the PEPP KID RTSArticle 31 - Civil liabilitiesArticle 32 - PEPP contracts which cover biometric risksArticle 33 - Provision of the PEPP KID RTSSECTION III - Advice (Article 34)Article 34 - Specification of demands and needs and provision of advice RTSSECTION IV - Information during the term of the contract (Article 35-39)Article 35 - General provisions RTSArticle 36 - PEPP Benefit Statement RTSArticle 37 - Supplementary information RTSArticle 38 - Information to be given to PEPP savers during the pre-retirement phase and to PEPP beneficiaries during the decumulation phaseArticle 39 - Information to be given on request to PEPP savers and PEPP beneficiariesSECTION V - Reporting to national authorities (Article 40)Article 40 - General provisions ITSDAGL
SECTION I - General provisions (Article 22-25)Article 22 - General principleArticle 23 - Distribution regime applicable to different types of PEPP providers and PEPP distributorsArticle 24 - Electronic distribution and other durable mediumsArticle 25 - Product oversight and governance requirements
SECTION II - Pre-contractual information (Article 26-33)Article 26 - PEPP KID Article 27 - Language of the PEPP KIDArticle 28 - Content of the PEPP KID RTSQ&AArticle 29 - Marketing materialsArticle 30 - Revision of the PEPP KID RTSArticle 31 - Civil liabilitiesArticle 32 - PEPP contracts which cover biometric risksArticle 33 - Provision of the PEPP KID RTS
SECTION III - Advice (Article 34)Article 34 - Specification of demands and needs and provision of advice RTS
SECTION IV - Information during the term of the contract (Article 35-39)Article 35 - General provisions RTSArticle 36 - PEPP Benefit Statement RTSArticle 37 - Supplementary information RTSArticle 38 - Information to be given to PEPP savers during the pre-retirement phase and to PEPP beneficiaries during the decumulation phaseArticle 39 - Information to be given on request to PEPP savers and PEPP beneficiaries
CHAPTER V - ACCUMULATION PHASE (Article 41-47)SECTION I - Investment rules for PEPP providers (Article 41)Article 41 - Investment rules Q&ASECTION II - Investment options for PEPP savers (Article 42-46)Article 42 - General provisionsArticle 43 - Choice of investment option by the PEPP saverArticle 44 - Conditions for modification of the chosen investment optionArticle 45 - The Basic PEPP RTSArticle 46 - Risk-mitigation techniques RTSSECTION III - Other aspects of the accumulation phase (Article 47)Article 47 - Conditions related to the accumulation phase
SECTION II - Investment options for PEPP savers (Article 42-46)Article 42 - General provisionsArticle 43 - Choice of investment option by the PEPP saverArticle 44 - Conditions for modification of the chosen investment optionArticle 45 - The Basic PEPP RTSArticle 46 - Risk-mitigation techniques RTS
SECTION III - Other aspects of the accumulation phase (Article 47)Article 47 - Conditions related to the accumulation phase
CHAPTER VI - INVESTOR PROTECTION (Article 48-51)Article 48 - DepositaryArticle 49 - Coverage of biometric risksArticle 50 - ComplaintsArticle 51 - Out-of-court redress
CHAPTER VII - SWITCHING OF PEPP PROVIDERS (Article 52-56)Article 52 - Provision of the switching serviceArticle 53 - The switching serviceArticle 54 - Fees and charges connected with the switching serviceArticle 55 - Protection of PEPP savers against financial lossArticle 56 - Information about the switching service
CHAPTER VIII - DECUMULATION PHASE (Article 57-60)Article 57 - Conditions related to the decumulation phaseArticle 58 - Forms of out-paymentsArticle 59 - Modifications of the forms of out-paymentsArticle 60 - Retirement planning and advice on out-payments
CHAPTER IX - SUPERVISION (Article 61-66)Article 61 - Supervision by the competent authorities and monitoring by EIOPAArticle 62 - Powers of competent authoritiesArticle 63 - Product intervention powers of competent authoritiesArticle 64 - Facilitation and coordinationArticle 65 - Product intervention powers of EIOPA DAArticle 66 - Cooperation and consistency ITS
CHAPTER X - PENALTIES (Article 67-70)Article 67 - Administrative penalties and other measuresArticle 68 - Exercise of the power to impose administrative penalties and other measuresArticle 69 - Publication of administrative penalties and other measuresArticle 70 - Duty to submit information to EIOPA in relation to administrative penalties and other measures
CHAPTER XI - FINAL PROVISIONS (Article 71-74)Article 71 - Processing of personal dataArticle 72 - Exercise of the delegationArticle 73 - Evaluation and reportArticle 74 - Entry into force and application