Updated 14/02/2025
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Article 29 - Directive 2002/87/EC (FICOD)

Article 29

Amendments to Directive 2000/12/EC

Directive 2000/12/EC is amended as follows:

1. Article 1 shall be amended as follows:

(a) Point (9) shall be replaced by the following:

"9. 'participation for the purposes of supervision on a consolidated basis and for the purposes of points 15 and 16 of Article 34(2)' shall mean participation within the meaning of the first sentence of Article 17 of Directive 78/660/EEC, or the ownership, direct or indirect, of 20 % or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking;"

(b) Points (21) and (22) shall be replaced by the following:

"21. 'financial holding company' shall mean a financial institution, the subsidiary undertakings of which are either exclusively or mainly credit institutions or financial institutions, at least one of such subsidiaries being a credit institution, and which is not a mixed financial holding company within the meaning of Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate(31);

22. 'mixed-activity holding company' shall mean a parent undertaking, other than a financial holding company or a credit institution or a mixed financial holding company within the meaning of Directive 2002/87/EC, the subsidiaries of which include at least one credit institution;"

2. in Article 12 the following paragraphs shall be added:

"The competent authority of a Member State involved, responsible for the supervision of insurance undertakings or investment firms, shall be consulted prior to the granting of an authorisation to a credit institution which is:

(a) a subsidiary of an insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in the Community; or

(b) a subsidiary of the parent undertaking of an insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in the Community; or

(c) controlled by the same person, whether natural or legal, who controls an insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in the Community.

The relevant competent authorities referred to in the first and second paragraphs shall in particular consult each other when assessing the suitability of the shareholders and the reputation and experience of directors involved in the management of another entity of the same group. They shall inform each other of any information regarding the suitability of shareholders and the reputation and experience of directors which is of relevance to the other competent authorities involved for the granting of an authorisation as well as for the ongoing assessment of compliance with operating conditions."

3. Article 16(2) shall be replaced by the following:

"2. If the acquirer of the holdings referred to in paragraph 1 is a credit institution, insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in another Member State or the parent undertaking of a credit institution, insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in another Member State or a natural or legal person controlling a credit institution, insurance undertaking or investment firm authorised in another Member State, and if, as a result of that acquisition, the institution in which the acquirer proposes to hold a holding would become a subsidiary or subject to the control of the acquirer, the assessment of the acquisition must be subject to the prior consultation referred to in Article 12."

4. Article 34(2) shall be amended as follows:

(a) in the first subparagraph points 12 and 13 shall be replaced by the following:

"12. holdings in other credit and financial institutions amounting to more than 10 % of their capital;

13. subordinated claims and instruments referred to in Article 35 and Article 36(3) which a credit institution holds in respect of credit and financial institutions in which it has holdings exceeding 10 % of the capital in each case;

14. holdings in other credit and financial institutions of up to 10 % of their capital, the subordinated claims and the instruments referred to in Article 35 and Article 36(3) which a credit institution holds in respect of credit and financial institutions other than those referred to in points 12 and 13 of this subparagraph in respect of the amount of the total of such holdings, subordinated claims and instruments which exceed 10 % of that credit institution's own funds calculated before the deduction of items in points 12 to 16 of this subparagraph;

15. participations within the meaning of Article 1(9) which a credit institution holds in

- insurance undertakings within the meaning of Article 6 of Directive 73/239/EEC, Article 6 of Directive 79/267/EEC or Article 1(b) of Directive 98/78/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(32),

- reinsurance undertakings within the meaning of Article 1(c) of Directive 98/78/EC,

- insurance holding companies within the meaning of Article 1(i) of Directive 98/78/EC;

16. each of the following items which the credit institution holds in respect of the entities defined in point (15) in which it holds a participation:

- instruments referred to in Article 16(3) of Directive 73/239/EEC,

- instruments referred to in Article 18(3) of Directive 79/267/EEC;"

(b) the second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:

"Where shares in another credit institution, financial institution, insurance or reinsurance undertaking or insurance holding company are held temporarily for the purposes of a financial assistance operation designed to reorganise and save that entity, the competent authority may waive the provisions on deduction referred to in points 12 to 16.

As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in points 15 and 16, Member States may allow their credit institutions to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC. Method 1 (Accounting consolidation) shall only be applied if the competent authority is confident about the level of integrated management and internal control regarding the entities which would be included in the scope of consolidation. The method chosen shall be applied in a consistent manner over time.

Member States may provide that for the calculation of own funds on a stand-alone basis, credit institutions subject to supervision on a consolidated basis in accordance with Chapter 3 or to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 2002/87/EC, need not deduct the items referred to in points 12 to 16 which are held in credit institutions, financial institutions, insurance or reinsurance undertakings or insurance holding companies, which are included in the scope of consolidated or supplementary supervision.

This provision shall apply to all the prudential rules harmonised by Community acts."

5. Article 51(3) shall be replaced by the following:

"3. The Member States need not apply the limits laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 to holdings in insurance companies as defined in Directive 73/239/EEC and Directive 79/267/EEC, or in reinsurance companies as defined in Directive 98/78/EC."

6. the last sentence in Article 52(2) shall be replaced by the following:

"Without prejudice to Article 54a, the consolidation of the financial situation of the financial holding company shall not in any way imply that the competent authorities are required to play a supervisory role in relation to the financial holding company on a stand-alone basis."

7. Article 54 shall be amended as follows:

(a) in paragraph 1 the following subparagraph shall be added:

"In the case where undertakings are linked by a relationship within the meaning of Article 12 (1) of Directive 83/349/EEC, the competent authorities shall determine how consolidation is to be carried out."

(b) in paragraph 4, first subparagraph, the third indent shall be deleted;

8. the following Article shall be inserted:

"Article 54a

Management body of financial holding companies

The Member States shall require that persons who effectively direct the business of a financial holding company are of sufficiently good repute and have sufficient experience to perform those duties."

9. the following Article shall be inserted:

"Article 55a

Intra-group transactions with mixed-activity holding companies

Without prejudice to the provisions of Title V, Chapter 2, Section 3, of this Directive, Member States shall provide that, where the parent undertaking of one or more credit institutions is a mixed-activity holding company, the competent authorities responsible for the supervision of these credit institutions shall exercise general supervision over transactions between the credit institution and the mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries.

Competent authorities shall require credit institutions to have in place adequate risk management processes and internal control mechanisms, including sound reporting and accounting procedures, in order to identify, measure, monitor and control transactions with their parent mixed-activity holding company and its subsidiaries appropriately. Competent authorities shall require the reporting by the credit institution of any significant transaction with these entities other than the one referred to in Article 48. These procedures and significant transactions shall be subject to overview by the competent authorities.

Where these intra-group transactions are a threat to a credit institution's financial position, the competent authority responsible for the supervision of the institution shall take appropriate measures."

10. in Article 56(7) the following sentence shall be added:

"The competent authority which made the request may, if it so wishes, participate in the verification when it does not carry out the verification itself."

11. the following Article shall be inserted:

"Article 56a

Third-country parent undertakings

Where a credit institution, the parent undertaking of which is a credit institution or a financial holding company, the head office of which is outside the Community, is not subject to consolidated supervision under Article 52, the competent authorities shall verify whether the credit institution is subject to consolidated supervision by a third-country competent authority which is equivalent to that governed by the principles laid down in Article 52. The verification shall be carried out by the competent authority which would be responsible for consolidated supervision if the fourth subparagraph were to apply, at the request of the parent undertaking or of any of the regulated entities authorised in the Community or on its own initiative. That competent authority shall consult the other competent authorities involved.

The Banking Advisory Committee may give general guidance as to whether the consolidated supervision arrangements of competent authorities in third countries are likely to achieve the objectives of consolidated supervision as defined in this Chapter, in relation to credit institutions, the parent undertaking of which has its head office outside the Community. The Committee shall keep any such guidance under review and take into account any changes to the consolidated supervision arrangements applied by such competent authorities.

The competent authority carrying out the verification specified in the second subparagraph shall take into account any such guidance. For this purpose the competent authority shall consult the Committee before taking a decision.

In the absence of such equivalent supervision, Member States shall apply the provisions of Article 52 to the credit institution by analogy.

As an alternative, Member States shall allow their competent authorities to apply other appropriate supervisory techniques which achieve the objectives of the supervision on a consolidated basis of credit institutions. Those methods must be agreed upon by the competent authority which would be responsible for consolidated supervision, after consultation with the other competent authorities involved. Competent authorities may in particular require the establishment of a financial holding company which has its head office in the Community, and apply the provisions on consolidated supervision to the consolidated position of that financial holding company. The methods must achieve the objectives of consolidated supervision as defined in this Chapter and must be notified to the other competent authorities involved and the Commission."